Coronary Angiography

What is a Coronary Angiography?


It is a procedure in which a special dye (contrast material) and x-rays to see how blood flows through the heart is used.


Cardiac angiography; Angiography of the heart; coronary angiogram


Usually, coronary angiography was performed along with cardiac catheterization.
The patient is given a mild sedative before the test to help you relax.
It cleans and an area of the body, usually the arm or groin, with a local anesthetic numbs and intravenously within that range is inserted. Then, a thin tube called a catheter through a vein and carefully moved to one of the arteries of the heart is passed. The X-ray images help the doctor see where the catheter should be placed.
Once the catheter is in place, dye (contrast material) into the vein is injected and x-rays are taken to see how the dye moves through the artery. The dye helps highlight any blockages in blood flow.


You should not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the test. You may be required to stay in the hospital the night before the procedure; otherwise, the patient can go to the hospital in the morning of the procedure.
The doctor will explain to the patient the details and risks of the procedure and the latter has to sign a release. Also, the patient must wear a hospital gown for the test.
Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to seafood, if you have had a bad reaction to contrast material in the past, if you take Viagra or could be pregnant.


The procedure may last from 1 to several hours and the patient remains awake meantime. The patient may feel some discomfort when the IV is placed on the arm and some pressure at the site when the catheter is inserted.
Occasionally, a flushing sensation experienced after injecting the contrast medium.
After the test, the catheter is removed. The patient may feel a strong pressure on the catheter insertion site, used to prevent bleeding. If intravenous line is placed in the groin, he usually asked to lie flat on your back for a few hours after the test to avoid bleeding. This can cause mild discomfort in the patient's back.


Coronary angiography is done to find a blockage in the coronary arteries can lead to heart attack. It can also be performed on people with unstable angina, atypical chest pain, aortic stenosis, or unexplained heart failure.

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